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Britain, arguably, has had more effect on the ‘Muslim World’ than any other non-Islamic country.

Founded by British social entrepreneur Mobeen Butt, with support from the AYA Foundation (aka Asian Youth Alliance), the Muslim Museum Initiative (MMI) explores the 1400 year relationship between Britain and Islam, and the history of Muslims in Britain.

The MMI endeavours to work with museums, universities, archives, and other educational and cultural institutes to help explore, enjoy, engage and feel inspired by a shared past.

The MMI aims to develop projects, exhibitions, and curriculum-linked material; identify under-researched topics, locate collections and resources, and produce educational and engaging output.

We are currently identifying funding to improve the website, and develop heritage projects working with young people to uncover places, people and events that are fundamental in the heritage of Muslims in Britain.

The MMI’s long term ambition is to establish the first museum celebrating Muslim history and culture in Britain.

We currently provide advice, consultancy and assistance to heritage, arts and educational institutes wanting to engage Muslim communities; explore elements of Islamic culture, and/or Muslim heritage.

We have worked with museums, archives, universities, schools, local authorities, and numerous arts, community and youth organisations, and we look positively at working with others as delivery partners on collaborative projects or as part of consortium bids.
